1. Bottlehead Crack W/ Speedball
  2. Bottlehead Crack W Speed Ballinger

Ischemic infarcts of the brain are a known complication of to cocaine use, alone or in combination with heroin (speed balling). This symmetrical occurrence of infarction, however, is unusual. Currently on the big crack are a RCA 5963 long black plate with a 5998 in the 6080 slot and that combo is amazing. In the new crack is an Amperex orange globe 12AU7 with a stock 6080 and I'm a smilin'!! Over in the BH forum is an 80 page thread on tube rolling in the Crack - I'm sure there will be some opinions there that may guide you.

Are you or someone you love using heroin? Are you worried about the effects of this powerful drug on your health, family, and finances? You may have some questions about heroin and you don’t know where to turn. Maybe you’re even seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one.

Those struggling with addiction often want some form of help. Many of them, unfortunately, aren’t sure where to turn. They feel their lives have spun so far out of control that they are beyond help.

Nobody is beyond help. A simple call to our heroin hotline is a brave step in finally getting your life back on track.

Side effects

collapsed veins, damage to teeth, changes in brain structure

Also known as

Smack, hell dust, China white, Mexican brown, horse, and big H

What is Heroin?

Heroin is a highly addictive illegal drug derived from the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) which is largely sourced from Central Asia and the Middle East. The milky sap of the poppy pod is refined to make morphine and other powerful painkilling medications in the opiate drug family but can also be used to make heroin.

Heroin was initially used as an antitussive (cough-relieving) medication by Bayer Pharmaceuticals in 1898 but various forms of opiates have been extensively abused throughout history. These include smokable forms of opium, painkilling liquids and pills, and later intravenous versions of what is now known as heroin.

Currently, heroin is one of the most commonly abused illicit drugs in the world. It is available on the street as a white or brown powder or a dark, sticky substance called black tar heroin. Street names include smack, hell dust, China white, Mexican brown, horse, and big H. People abuse heroin and other opiate drugs for their intense euphoric, relaxing, and sedating effects.

Origin and Street Value of Heroin

More than 90% of the world’s heroin supply comes from Afghanistan which is the world’s leading producer of heroin. There is immense international pressure on the Afghan government to control the size of the poppy crop, but the impoverished nation lacks the resources and mechanisms to ensure the manufacture of only legal opium for the production of prescription pain medications. Opium farming is lucrative with a quick turnover and high returns. From Afghanistan, heroin makes its way to drug dealers and street corners all over the world.

The price of heroin on the street is determined by numerous factors, ranging from demand and supply and purity to quantity purchased.There is a wide geographical variation in heroin price from $1300 per gram in Brunei to less than $3 per gram in Afghanistan and Kenya. The average street price of heroin in the United States is $200 per gram according to the World Drug Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

To increase profits, dealers sometimes dilute the purity of heroin by “cutting” it with substances like baking soda, powdered sugar, talcum powder, laundry detergent, and bleach. Some of the substances used to cut heroin are poisonous and can produce deadly consequences because users have no way to ascertain the purity of the heroin they are purchasing.

In recent years, cutting or substituting heroin with the synthetic opioid fentanyl has become much more common. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin, and the introduction of fentanyl to black markets is believed to be a major contributing factor to the high rates of overdoses in recent years.

Effects of Heroin

When heroin enters the human body, it is metabolized (broken down) into morphine. The drug crosses the blood-brain barrier and attaches to opioid receptors in the brain. Opioid receptors regulate important functions and feelings like heart rate and breathing, but also cause the release of chemicals that relieve pain and cause feelings of relaxation and pleasure.

The Mu-Opioid receptors have a secondary effect on dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a pleasurable chemical that is largely responsible for the high users experience when they take illicit drugs, and is closely tied to addiction. This is the reason heroin users report a “rush” or surge of intense happiness and euphoria.

The time it takes for the effects of heroin to kick in depends on the method of delivery. The fastest method of delivery is intravenous use which is why many heroin users inject heroin into their veins. Peak blood levels of heroin occur in about 5 minutes after intravenous injection (the drug is roughly half as potent when used intranasally, i.e., snorted).

Over time, increasing frequency and amount of heroin use leads to the development of physical and psychological tolerance. This means that the drug becomes less effective over time, causing users to take higher doses and greatly increasing their risk of addiction and overdose. Regular heavy users sometimes develop such high tolerances to heroin and other opiates that they are no longer able to get high from the drug and continue using only to feel normal and avoid painful symptoms of withdrawal.

When a person becomes addicted to heroin, they will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms which can include aches and pains, stomach and GI issues, chills and cold sweats, insomnia, mood swings, and drug cravings. The uncomfortable nature of heroin withdrawal is one of the reasons why quitting heroin is so difficult, and why many people relapse.

Methods of Heroin Use

Heroin abusers use the drug in several ways. It can be smoked, snorted, injected directly into a vein, and dissolved in water. A particularly dangerous practice called speed-balling involves mixing heroin with crack/cocaine. Mixing heroin with a stimulant drug causes conflicting responses in the body and brain that can increase the risk of adverse effects and overdose.

Users who smoke heroin do so by heating the drug in a spoon and inhaling the vapors or smoke. A variety of paraphernalia, such as glass pipes, is available to smoke heroin. When it is smoked, heroin enters the lungs and from there it is absorbed into the body. Some users prefer smoking heroin because it is less risky than using needles for intravenous injection. Smoking heroin also carries a lower risk of overdose. However, smoking a powerful drug like heroin can lead to lung damage and various other health complications.

Snorting consists of inhaling heroin powder forcefully into the nose with a straw or rolled-up banknote or piece of paper. Heroin quickly enters the person’s bloodstream and crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the brain. When someone snorts heroin, it takes 3-5 minutes for the drug to reach peak blood levels. Heroin users who snort the drug often suffer nosebleeds, breathing problems, loss of smell, and damage to the mucous membrane (lining) of the nasal cavity. They can also contract infections through shared equipment. Some addicts prefer snorting heroin as the method of use because it does not leave the tell-tale track marks on the skin that are a giveaway in IV heroin users. Also, snorting does not expose them to the risk of infections like HIV and hepatitis through needle use.

Shooting heroin is a method of use in which the drug is injected directly into a vein with a syringe. Users typically use a lighter and spoon to “cook” the heroin (liquefy it) before injecting the drug into a vein. Shooting puts the heroin directly into the bloodstream and produces the fastest, most intense high. The effects are felt within a few seconds of the injection. Intravenous injection of heroin puts drug users at high risk of infections like HIV and hepatitis from shared needles and unsterilized equipment. If contaminated heroin is injected into the body, it can cause serious health complications. Heroin track marks on the skin are a red flag that a person may be abusing this illegal opioid drug.

Heroin Addiction in the United States

Opium is rarely cultivated in the United States and heroin is mostly sourced from other countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America. Still, heroin is one of the most abused opioid drugs in the United States. It is the quickest acting, putting users at high risk of overdose and death. Every day, an estimated 128 people in the United States die from opioid overdose.

Heroin is a Schedule I drug under the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970, meaning it carries the highest risk for abuse and addiction and has no valid medical use. In some other countries, such as the United Kingdom, heroin is available by prescription as the generic drug diamorphine which is used to treat chronic pain.

Heroin abuse and addiction have been a serious problem in the United States for decades. However, there has been a surge in heroin addiction and overdose deaths in the last couple of decades. Part of the reason could be the opioid epidemic that has swept the US. In the 1990s, pharmaceutical companies assured the medical community that opioid pain relievers were safe, leading to their widespread use. By 2015, nearly 92 million individuals in the US were using prescription pain pills. Today, an n estimated 3 million Americans have opioid use disorder.

Many people who develop an addiction to heroin started out using prescription pain pills and became addicted to them. As an addiction developed, they began to need more of the medication than they could legally obtain and many begin buying opioid drugs or heroin illegally. Roughly 80% of new heroin users in the US say they initiated drug abuse with pain pill misuse. There are more than 500,000 people in the US who are addicted to heroin.Opioid overdose was declared a national emergency in 2017 in the US.

Deaths from Heroin

The reason why heroin and other similar opioids are regarded as the most dangerous drugs is because they have an extremely high rate of overdose. People who take too much heroin often suffer from respiratory depression and many who do not get help fast enough will die.

The lifesaving drug naloxone is often used to reverse opioid overdoses but must be administered shortly after the drug is taken. When help comes too late or when a person overdoses alone, they often will not receive the drug in time.

Opioids are responsible for the vast majority of drug overdose deaths. In 2018, for example, there were 67,000 drug overdose deaths in the US, with 47,000 of these involving opioids. Since 2010, overdose deaths have increased by more than 200%, with heroin and synthetic opioids largely to blame.

In 2018 there around 15,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US specifically. This was down by around 4% from 2017, despite large numbers of deaths being reported in states like Tennessee and Vermont. Much of the reduction came from the Midwest.

In addition to the 15,000 deaths each year from heroin overdose, other heroin-related deaths will occur from accidents and health complications (the precise number of which are unknown).

People who use opioids are at higher risk of overdose because of the widespread substitution of illegally produced synthetic opioids like fentanyl being sold to unsuspecting buyers. These highly potent drugs make accidental overdose much more likely to occur.

US Laws and Regulations to Reduce Heroin Use

Heroin is a Schedule I drug according to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, making it a crime to be in possession. In recent years, growing awareness of the opioid epidemic has led to several important policy changes that help to reduce the epidemic and save lives.

Funding has been pumped into rehabilitative centers across the nation, naloxone has become more widely available to public servants, first responders and private citizens, and regulations have been imposed on prescribers. Forty-nine states in the US now have prescription drug monitoring programs which help to reduce the over-prescribing of opioids.

The treatment of opioid use disorder has become a priority issue in communities across the US. In most cities, options for suboxone and methadone, drugs which help to prevent relapse for opioid addicts in recovery, are widely available.

Stricter laws have been enacted to prevent the widespread distribution of heroin and other illicit opioid drugs. The government has sanctioned harsher penalties for drug distribution and trafficking with 3-5 years of incarceration, substantially more depending on quantity.

Stats on Heroin Addiction

Researchers have investigated many aspects of heroin addiction to better understand why and how it occurs. Here are some statistics on heroin use in the United States.

  • The death rate from opioid overdose increased 22-fold between 1979 and 2015 in the United States. There were 33,000 opioid overdose deaths in 2015 alone.
  • In the 1960s, heroin users were predominantly young men whose first brush with opioids was heroin. In more recent times, older men and women are abusing heroin who were introduced to the drug through prescription drug abuse.
  • The percentage of drug overdose deaths involving heroin increased three-fold from 8% in 2010 to 25% in 2015.
  • More than 800,000 people reported using heroin and nearly 15,000 people died from a heroin overdose in the United States in 2018.
  • Up to 36 percent of heroin addicts pass through the criminal justice system each year, representing about 200,000 individuals.
  • The socioeconomic and healthcare costs of heroin addiction in the United States is more than $51 billion annually.

Causes and Risk Factors for Heroin Addiction

The exact reason why an individual develops heroin addiction is not known. However, experts agree that a combination of genetic, environmental, and physical causes lead to the development of heroin abuse and addiction in some individuals and not others.

Some of the risk factors for heroin abuse include male gender, peer pressure, and easy access to heroin. Poor relationships with family, lack of self-esteem, and stressful life circumstances also increase the risk of heroin addiction. The presence of co-occurring mental health disorders is another potential risk factor for heroin abuse. People with an addiction to prescription pain pills sometimes switch to abusing heroin since it produces a stronger high and is less expensive.

Researchers have found that genetics plays a role in all types of addiction. Several genes have been identified that are involved in heroin addiction.People who have family members that struggled with substance abuse have a higher risk of heroin addiction.

Heroin is a highly addictive drug, so even people without multiple risk factors can develop an addiction with regular use. Risk levels can also fluctuate depending on a person’s current circumstances. Specifically, people who are experiencing high levels of stress or struggling with symptoms of a mental health condition are more likely to become addicted to drugs. Having a chronic pain condition can also increase the likelihood of abusing opioids and becoming addicted.

Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

Each individual reacts to heroin differently and displays different signs and symptoms. This varies depending on the person’s genetic makeup, underlying health status, amount of heroin used, length of abuse, and combination with other drugs and alcohol. However, the following signs and symptoms are commonly seen in heroin users.

Early signs of addiction:

  • Prescription misuse of opioid pain killers
  • Hiding or minimizing extent of use
  • Making excuses to justify use
  • Not being able to follow limits around use
  • Feeling guilty after using
  • Using to cope with stress or difficult emotions
  • Becoming defensive when asked about use
  • Changes in behavior, mood or appearance noticed by others
  • Withdrawal from friends, family and normal routines and activities

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Symptoms of addiction

  • Using the drug more often or in higher quantities than intended
  • Using the drug in situations where it is risky to do so (i.e. driving)
  • Giving up important activities to use the drug more
  • Experiencing frequent thoughts or cravings for the drug
  • A loved one expressing concern about the use of the drug
  • Developing a tolerance to the drug (needing more of it)
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it
  • Experiencing negative consequences because of the drug use
  • Neglecting important responsibilities because of drug use
  • Drug use is impacting physical or mental health
  • Making multiple unsuccessful attempts to quit

Health Effects of Heroin

The intended effects of heroin are euphoria, pain reduction, and alleviation of withdrawal symptoms in heroin addicts. However, heroin produces a range of unwanted health effects, the most concerning of which is slowed breathing.

Heroin is classified as a Schedule I drug by the DEA in the United States. It currently has no accepted medical use and a high risk of abuse. The long-term health effects of heroin addiction and abuse are not only devastating but can be fatal.

Short-Term Health Effects of Heroin

  • Warm, flushed skin
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Dry mouth
  • Heavy limbs
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Itching
  • Drowsiness
  • Mental fog
  • Slowed heartbeat
  • Slowed breathing
  • Bluish lips, fingers, and toes

Long-Term Health Effects of Heroin

  • Damage to the teeth, gums, and nasal mucosa
  • Cold flashes (goosebumps)
  • Constipation
  • Skin infections from scratching a heroin itch
  • Infections from needle use in IV heroin users
  • Heart, kidney, and liver disease
  • Changes in brain structure
  • Joint problems
  • Weakness and weight loss
  • Menstrual disturbance in women
  • Sexual dysfunction in men
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Collapsed veins
  • Abscess formation at injection sites

The intensity of heroin health effects depends on various factors, such as the amount of heroin used, the duration of use, the purity of the drug, the method of use, and individual tolerance. Also, adulterants used to cut heroin or contaminants introduced during the manufacturing process can lead to various health complications. Last but not least, mixing heroin with other drugs or alcohol can cause serious, potentially life-threatening health problems.

Heroin Abuse by Pregnant Women

Heroin abuse during pregnancy can lead to several health problems in the mother as well as her baby. Premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects, and developmental problems are common in babies born to mothers who are heroin addicts. Moreover, in mothers who use heroin while pregnant, the baby can develop neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) after delivery due to withdrawal from the opioid drug.

Babies who test positive for any illicit drug after birth are treated, but health care workers are also mandated to report the mother to the child protective services. This often results in the removal of the child from the mother’s custody. In some cases, it is possible for the mother to get treatment and go through the necessary process of regaining custody of the child.

Dangers of Heroin Addiction

Heroin is a highly addictive drug that has an impact on every aspect of the user’s life. Some of the dangers of heroin addiction include:

  • Domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect
  • Breakdown of relationships, potentially leading to divorce
  • Legal problems, including incarceration
  • Social isolation
  • Unemployment, loss of income, and raking up huge debts to feed the habit
  • Infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis
  • Health consequences including permanent damage to vital organs
  • Death due to health complications or overdose
  • Effects on the baby in pregnant women who abuse heroin

Bottlehead Crack W Speed Ballinger

Heroin Overdose

A heroin overdose can occur if an individual uses a large quantity of heroin, either intentionally or unintentionally. A person can also overdose on heroin if the purity of the drug is higher than anticipated or more than what the individual is accustomed to. Some of the signs and symptoms of heroin overdose include:

  • Slow, labored breathing or cessation of breathing
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Dry mouth
  • Discolored pallor
  • Very low blood pressure
  • Thready pulse or no pulse detectable
  • Blue lips and nails
  • Muscle spasticity
  • Disorientation
  • Delirium
  • Drowsiness
  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Death

A heroin overdose is a medical emergency. Call 911 or your local emergency number if you suspect a heroin overdose in a friend or family member.

Heroin overdose can be treated with a medication called naloxone. It works by attaching to the opioid receptors in the brain and blocking the effect of heroin. More than one dose of naloxone is sometimes required to restart breathing in a person who is overdosing. Family members and friends of heroin abusers should keep naloxone kits on hand for use at home. These include either a hand-held naloxone auto-injector (EVZIO) or nasal spray (NARCAN) to deliver a life-saving dose to someone who is overdosing.

Heroin Withdrawal

People who have been using heroin for a long time develop a physical dependence on the drug. If they discontinue heroin use suddenly, i.e., quit heroin cold turkey, it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms can begin within a few hours of stopping heroin use and may include:

  • Agitation and restlessness
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Insomnia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Goosebumps or cold flashes
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Involuntary jerking movements (sometimes called “kicking the habit”)
  • Severe cravings for heroin

To prevent complications, withdrawal from heroin should happen under medical supervision at a drug detox and rehabilitation center.

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin addiction is a challenging problem to overcome. It is arguably one of the most difficult things a person will accomplish in their lifetime. But it is not an insurmountable problem. If you (or a loved one) are struggling with heroin abuse, it is possible to get your life back on track with heroin addiction treatment at a professional drug rehab center.

Top drug rehab facilities in the United States offer individualized heroin rehab programs to recovering addicts to match their individual needs. Medically-supervised detox from heroin can help in coming off the drug safely and as comfortably as possible.

Medication-assisted treatment for heroin abuse has shown promising results. Medicines such as buprenorphine (suboxone) and methadone are used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for heroin. Naltrexone is another medicine that blocks the effects of opioid drugs like heroin and is effective in addiction treatment.

Sometimes, these medications can be incredibly useful in helping users establish and maintain their sobriety. These medications should always only be used under the recommendation and supervision of a doctor or prescriber, and best practice is to combine medication with therapy or other addiction treatment.

Psychotherapy and counseling for heroin addiction include behavioral therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management. These heroin addiction treatments help recovering addicts modify drug-seeking behaviors and learn new skills to manage triggers and stressors. Contingency management provides small motivations like cash rewards or vouchers for staying drug-free.

Heroin abuse is sometimes the result of attempts to self-medicate and reduce unpleasant symptoms of mental health conditions. For this reason, it is common for people struggling with heroin addiction to have a co-occurring mental health disorder. The most common psychological conditions that occur along with heroin addiction include anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and other substance use disorders.

To ensure lasting recovery from heroin abuse, it is critical to treat heroin addiction and any co-existing mental health conditions simultaneously. Addressing the root causes of addiction will help to ensure lasting recovery, and will teach people more effective methods of coping.

When to Call a Heroin Hotline for Addiction

Since heroin is such a dangerous drug, the sooner you call a heroin addiction help hotline, the better. While it might not be easy for some people to ask for help, it could be the difference between getting your life back together or completely destroying it.

You don’t need to wait until your life becomes unmanageable to call a hotline. In fact, early interventions could save you or a loved one from serious problems in the future. If you notice any of these typical signs of addiction, you should consider calling.

  • Changes in behavior or sleeping patterns
  • Presence of drug paraphernalia
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Avoiding responsibilities like school or work
  • Using language associated with heroin use like “”smack” or “big H”
  • Engaging in illegal or high-risk behaviors, sometimes to obtain the drug
  • Difficulties with mental functioning

Any of these signs could point to a problem with heroin and/or other drugs.

What to Expect When Calling a Heroin Helpline

Finally deciding to get help is a brave step that can positively change the course of your (or a loved one’s) life. Still, some people may hesitate to call. They make excuses and keep putting it off. Some might be embarrassed about their situation and think they will be judged. Others have gotten to a point where they can’t fathom an enjoyable life without the drug.

Addiction is a complex mental health disease. Those answering a heroin addiction hotline know this. They are not there to judge you or make you feel bad. In fact, they are ready to listen to your story, struggles, and worries. They provide comfort during a very turbulent time in your life.

In addition, they connect you with essential resources helping to battle heroin addiction. By calling, you learn how to find and use detox centers, methadone clinics, and substance abuse treatment. They answer any questions or concerns you have about finally getting treatment.

And don’t worry, no question is silly. No subject is taboo. Speak your mind and, if needed, let your emotions flow. After all, you’ve probably bottled up a lot of fears and feelings while using drugs. The heroin help hotline has assisted countless others in similar situations. They have the experience to help you.

You don’t need to battle addiction alone. A heroin hotline ensures someone will always be nearby to give you help and comfort when you need it most. Make today the day you finally start changing your life for the better.

Last updated: January 9, 2021

Hailey Shafir is a licensed addiction specialist and mental health counselor. She graduated from North Carolina State University with a master of education in clinical mental health counseling in 2012, and has developed deep expertise in the areas of mental health, behavioral addictions and substance abuse. She is passionate about using this knowledge to raise awareness, provide clear and accurate information, and to improve the quality of treatment for these disorders.

Hailey is an LCMHCS (license number: S9539) under the North Carolina Board of Mental Health Counselors, and an LCAS (ID: LCAS-21333) and CSS (ID: CCS-20721) under the North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board.

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Who knew that saying, “I read a lot of books and periodicals about financial stuff seriously, here’s an Instagram shot of my bookshelf,” wouldn’t be enough to establish my bonafides in the eyes of certain readers?Apparently I need a little more gravitas, and as we all know, the best way to prove your brain is really good at thinking is to add as many letters behind your name as possible. I’ve already got a bunch of letters from ivory towers (and working on three more that will come with my Masters of Education degree), but that doesn’t really do a whole lot for convincing you guys that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to stuff like, mutual funds, stock valuations, or pretty much anything else that might be relevant to most people.

Consequently, I’m thinking about trying on the Canadian Securities Course (CSC) for size. In other words (and again, this is only from what I could grasp online today – they don’t make it easy to understand btw!) as of right now it is actually against the law for me to answer an email and say, “I think this specific security is right for your portfolio.”Passing the CSC and then possibly one or two other short courses that depend on my province of residence would allow me to answer this question BUT NOT trade on their behalf or anything like that. It also isn’t nearly as prestigious as the CFP and/or CFA designations, but I’m not looking to challenge MBA students for jobs at Investors Group here, so I think this course might actually fit my goals.Related: Why Would I Take the CSC if I’m Not in the Financial Services Industry?If you’re asking yourself, “Why does this guy want to burn another $1,000 on the altar of more letters behind his name?” then you certainly wouldn’t be the only one. Beyond giving our blogs a little bit of a credibility – something I thought might do – the CSC might be a nice feather in my cap going forward for a few reasons.First and foremost, it’s never a bad thing to get smarter – especially when you’re writing a blog where you purport to try and help other people.

The course might be a cool way to come up with some post ideas I hadn’t thought of before.It would also serve as a nice tool to help me on my quest for a personal finance curriculum in Manitoba – and possibly across the prairie provinces. Having someone that could credibly say they understand the investing world and that can speak both of the incredibly ridiculous and weird sets of terminology associated with finance and education, should be a real asset. More and more I’m coming around to the idea that this might be my real calling the world of education or it might be writing books about beer consumption, I could go either way.Related:Finally, it might also help me if I decide to do some small-scale investment advice on the side. There is more than just the CSC before you can recommend securities. I work in securities policy – I would make sure you have checked out all requirements before giving any specific recommendations because you could be liable if it was “unsuitable” and there are license requirements that you may be offside of. The Ontario Securities Commission governs indiviudals that advise or trade in securities.

There are lots of rules about what you need to know about the person asking about a security and paper work before you can recommend something. You may need to be registered with the OSC or IIROC.Even if you dont want to recommend securities – I have heard it is a very useful course for personal knowledge. I’ve had this inner debate now for the last 8 years or so. I am interested not really to improve myself, but rather to understand how the industry really operates. That said, spending the time in the markets winning and losing with my own money has taught me some valuable lessons. In the end if the chance arises, and I have some spare time, I’d take it, but honestly I’ve learned that I do better investment wise when I focus on what’s important to me, researching and understanding what I am buying or selling 9selling is almost as if not more important than buying) and my goals than clog it up with other noise I know someone who has the books (for Ontario), but I have not had a chance to drop by and borrow them, as it has not really been a priority for me. Besides, I’m in a better financial position than her, and that suggests to me the information may not be as valuable for me as I believe it might- Cheers.

Hey Robb,Thanks for dropping! The idea behind the securities course certainly has a lot to do with claiming a certain level of authority, and just my basic ego if I’m being brutally honest with everyone.It isn’t offside to provide a financial plan (or call yourself “a financial planner) without a CFP designation, but I would like to be able to answer when someone says, “This is my situation, what do you think about these two ETFs to give me exposure to X”. The comparison between mutual funds, index funds, ETFs, and individual stocks (as well as other asset classes) is good, and fun to blog about, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to recommend a specific product to someone?.

My personal thought, if I was a blooger, I would not want to personally recommend anything, but rather suggest looking at X based on someone’s situation. Better yet suggest looking into a couple of options, say a mutual fund or 2, a mitt full of ETF’s or even specific sector stocks and provide reasoning. Empower your readers to make their OWN decision, but with your input to narrow their search. If it is a career you are looking for then by all means get the necessary letters, but remember teaching is your primary gig -Cheers. Taking and passing the CSC DOES NOT allow you to provide advice to clients or the general public.

The CSC is the technical proficiency side of getting licensed.2. You also need to complete the CPH Conduct & Practices Handbook course in order to learn the rules & regulations side and attain a provincial securities license.3.

The CSC is NOT a designation. It’s a course. I know – I’ve done many of them. Designations are CFP, CFA, CIM, CSWP, CLU, etc.4. The actual content inside the CSC that consists of financial planning is very rudimentary.5. The CSC by itself will you to sell mutual funds through a registered dealer. Note that I said sell.6.

The CSC+CPH will allow you to sell and advise on mutual funds, stocks & bond through a registered dealer.7. The CSC+CPH + Provincial life insurance license will allow you to sell and advise on mutual funds, stocks, bonds, life insurance (term, perm, univ), annuities, segregated funds.8. CSC+IMT+PMT = CIM.

CIM = a tiny fraction of CFA level 1. IMT is at least an interesting exam and you get to apply your knowledge.

PMT is boring – it’s pure content regurgitation from the textbook and is more a memory test.CSC will give you a comprehensive grounding in the fundamentals. However, that’s what it is – fundamentals. There is no investment portfolio structuring or strategies, no real asset analysis, no financial statement analysis outside of the basic ratios (no discussion on DuPont or anything).

I would recommend PFPC or WME+finplan supplement for fundamental financial planning knowledge.My advice? If you have a good teaching career, decent salary, benefits and a DB pension then stick to it and don’t join the financial world.

My job is high stress, clients that expect miracles when they focus their money on their iPhone rather than their iRetire and the pay doesn’t compensate for the long hours and employer pressure for constant results. In my job, you can have the best client relationships and still be litigated by some guy that figures his stupid decisions that you advised him not to do were somehow your fault. There is no room for error in what I do – it’s not for everyone. Thanks a lot for the input FG! This really clears up several things.

I was aware of most of it, but the detailed breakdown of what courses/designations allow you to do what is quite useful! Perhaps I’ll do a post summarizing this information a little.I don’t think I’ll jump over to the financial world any time soon. I was more considering taking the courses just to gain a little street cred on the site here and so that I could help people out with a little more authority that could be measured. It might also help me in my quest to be taken seriously as a guy that could potentially help put together some financial literacy stuff within the world of education.If it’s ok with you, can I steal the line about focusing money on iPhone as opposed iRetire? Awesome.The litigation angle is something I had not thought about and is alarming. I’ll continue to be right up front warning people that I’m not qualified on certain things to avoid this!.

Hi Kyle,Not sure when this article was published but here is some info:-1) to write the exam itself u need to pay $1000, you can choose whether u need pdf books and notes or hard copy of books and you pay extra.2) if you just want the book, there are free pdf copies available on csi’s website, just google csc course pdf books.3) if you are a student who wants to write the exam, your CSC prof can get you 10% discount on the fee.4) you can choose to write the exam online by paying extra.5) the dates for the exams are very tough to get so i would suggest to plan ahead.I hope that helps!-Sarah. Hi!I was looking up pinterest and found your post. It’s great!I’m doing my CSC right now.To have your certificate, there is 2 volume. (So 2 very hard exam Just saying!)While you do your CSC, some recommend you do your code of practice cours after. It’s the CFP code of deontologie kinda thing.When you do your CSC volume 1, you can do transaction that people ask you to do, but can’t guide them on what to buy and how to invest.Volume 2, you can fully help someone.If you do an average of 80% on both of your exam, you get a red honor seal.Kinda cool, but let just say that I don’t think it happens often.

Did 74% on volume one and I studied like crazy!And to have your certificat, yes you need to pay the lovely 1000$!FYI, I don’t know if you’ve done it yet or not, but in New Brunswick, took us 3 weeks of notice so they can place a date and time to do our first volume. I did it with my class at my community college. We are all studying financial plannig so, maybe by having a bigger class, you get your exam sooner because they know the exam will not just be for 2 or 3 person?And I saw in the earlier comment that some people where still in college and thinking of doing their CSC. I’m studying financial planning (my goal is to get my CFP and become a Financial Planner). It’s very doable to go to college (i’m at CCNB-Dieppe, french class with english book, just saying that to say that it’s even more difficult for the one that where in my class that don’t understand perfectly english it quite the challenge for some of them) and add CSC to the mix.

Let just say, having an agenda and plan when to study helps a lot!Hope you get your CSC certification. I find it very rewarding. 🙂Myriame,The mother of a 3yo who did her retirement planning courses last december, her CSC volume 1 last march and right now doing her CSC volume 2 and LLQP trough CSI, both exam at the end of April/ beginning of May. I’m a Grade 12 student about to finish high school early.

I’m moving out to play soccer for a semi-pro soccer team, but will have ample free time. I’m going into commerce at Queen’s University in the fall and definitely want to get into high finance, hopefully something like investment banking after university. Do you think I could pull off the CSC in 4 months? Would I be too young and/or uneducated, or would someone with a high school education and a strong interest in finance be able to pull off a good grade?. Hi all there,I think I might be able to answer some of the questions here.First would like to say sorry about my English, it is my second language. There might be a lot of grammar errors.

Lol.I went through all this situation and questions myself before.I’m just expressing my opinions, it’s personal experiences and it might not be correct.Just to introduce myself, I have a B.Com (Hon) in Finance, I passed my June CFA Level 2 this year, got the CFP designation this year, passed the CSC, IFIC, LLQP, currently taking the RRC and planning to take the FRM once I done my CFA Level 3 exam in 2016. (FYI beside the IFIC is funded by the bank I work for, I paid for all other courses myself) am Planning to take the WME and CPH too only if my employer willing to pay for it. I’m not smart, I’m just hard working. A lot of time I feel like I’m a cheap slave.For those who planning to take the CSC, you mush know the certificate only last for 3 years. If you don’t use it within 3 years it will expire. Unfortunately, mine did expired and I have to take the WME in order to be IIROC license.CSC ($1000) is for IIROC and MFDA licenseIFIC ($375) is only for MFDA license(if you not planning to become IIROC license in the future you don’t need the CSC)Most of bank will pay for the course if it is required by your position.IFIC is a lot cheaper and is also a lot easier.

It’ll expire in 3 years too if you don’t use it. (Use it I mean register as a license sale rep)For those who think the certificate will help you to secure a job in the bank, you might have to reconsider.

First, I think the same way by taking the course will help me to get into the banking world. Unfortunately, it didn’t. Maybe I’m just the unlucky one.Reality check!!! You need to know someone to get in.My recommendation, don’t waste your money.

Spending $1000 to make your CV look good? You might have to rethink that. The most important thing is your experience. Yes CSC is a PLUS (and ya so the bank don’t need to pay for it) but if you don’t have experience, no matter how many certificates you have. It’s NOTHING!!!!Nowadays, most banks like to hire salesperson because the only thing you do in the bank is sell, sell, sell. You sell their accounts, you sell their credit cards, your sell their mortgage/ credit products, you sell their investment products. (FYI that not what I expect before I get into that world) Now they started to ask the front teller to sell @@If that is what you want to do then get a sale job and learn how to sale.

Also know your banker and build a relationship with them. It will be way easier to get in if you know someone inside.The bank will train you on what you need to know after you get hired and they will pay for whatever certificate you need if it require by your position. (You don’t need to know a lot of finance to be a banker, you just need to be good in sale.

My coworker from futureshop knows ZERO about mortgage, ZERO about investment, ZERO about insurance when he started. With the same position in the bank, we get pay the same.

So do you still think those certificates help?? ) as I said they will train you what you need to know.as “finance guy” mention above, working in banking/investment field is a high stress, long hours and constant pressure for results from the bosses that exactly what it is if you want to be on the top.

(I double, if not triple or quadruple my targets and they still expect more. Beside that I don’t feel they value me as a valuable employee) As I said that my personal experience or maybe it is just the bank I work for. (Yes, I’m looking for a different job)For Kyle the 12 garder,CSC is not for investment banking, although it is good basic finance course to start with but for $1000 it’s your choice. CFA is the one you aim for to get into investment banking world but you need a degree before you can register for the level 1 exam. (2015 Level 1 worldwide pass rate is only 42%) Also, in the investment banking world, you can be on the sale side or the analysis side. Analysis side is where I’m working hard to get into.FYI, if you search “finance analyst” jobs online, you will see a lot of them require accounting designation (i.e CA, CGA, CMA which they all call CPA now) @@ after I graduated from finance and start looking for job that what I realized, my first reaction is WTF. @@ I’m screwed.For those who looking to learn how to invest,I recommend you go pick up those “for dummies” books.CSC is for general finance knowledge, like the university textbook it tells you a little bit of everything (you learn what is this, what is that) that it’s!!I learn how to invest in stock, futures and option from the Dummies and I learn how to read chat/ technical analysis from the Dummies too.(I’m NOT here to advertise their book)Sorry for the long postI hope it helps some people who are debating whether or not to take the exam.Again, it is my personal experiences and my opinions.

Some might disagree what I said.GOOD LUCK for everyone and happy thanksgiving. I work as an advisor to one of Canada’s insurance and investment company and recently passed my CIFC.

One thing I learned about this financial job is that you have to commit to continuing studies trainings to be compliant to regulatory bodies and to avoid future litigation. One cannot say he/she have enough experience and knowledge in finance, because the world of finance is constantly changing.

Experience and knowledge from yesterday does not necessarily mean or guarantee its application tomorrow. Just a piece of advice,never offer a financial advice or investment strategy if you are not licensed and sponsored by a bank or an investment firm, because how would you feel about 65 year old, retired, invest his/her retirement savings of $500,000 and wake next day and it’s all gone!! That’s all because of someone’s financial advice.

I stumble upon this blog in search of licensing requirements to offer the public start-up convertible notes, bonds, as well as trading options for others. I didn’t know CSC only allows for giving investment advice, but no right to trade for others.

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To be honest, I have been in the accounting business forever, with private equity and M&A deal closes, without being a CA/CPA. Looking at the CSI website and IIROC, I am puzzle as to what exactly are the requirements to become a dealer. CFP and CFA are way too much for me to consider, I probably only need to learn about 10% of what I need to do to make a living. I am currently studying for the CSC Volume 1 – 2014 Version with recent updates. I am not the greatest with exams and can easily forget the content I read. Should I purchase study notes and just study the notes? If so, from where?

The CSI website has a bundle for Volume 1&2, has anyone purchased the study notes from the CSI website, if so were the notes based on the actual exams?? Did you pass on first try? There is also third part websites like See Why Learning and Oliver Learning who provide study notes, has anyone purchased these study notes??? See Why Learning Guarantees you pass the test with their notes or money back?? Is this true, are their notes really based on the exams????I really need to pass this exam within the next 3 to 4 weeks.HELP!!!. Hello.My name is Pramit from India.I am a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI),Company Secretary from the Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI), have appeared for CFA level 2 Exams(June 2016), Cost Accountant from the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and holding Bachelor’s degree in Commerce with distinction from Gujarat University. Currently, I am working in an organization as a Financial Accountant since last 1 year.

I aim to get into Investment Banking.I will be applying to some decent universities in Canada for MBA in Finance.I would like to know whether CSC will create some value additions in landing an investment banking job or not?Thanks. I am a senior banker in Bangladesh working for European Bank under Cash Management Operations, Corporate Clients.


I understand that prior to pursuing for a banking job in Canada, I need to complete CSC course or any other banking related course by residing in Dhaka.May I know the followings:1. Which courses should I complete for banking Operational job?2. Can the courses be possible to complete from the territory of Dhaka, Bangladesh?3. If yes to query no. 2, then what are the steps / process to move forward?

Is there any organisation here in Dhaka?. I have had an extremely difficult experience with the Oliver’s learning insurance course/ exams. My experience with customer service was rude and not helpful. For someone who is trying to get a job in the field, it is very hard to complete one exam (out of 6) that you only get one try/day to pass.

They are also unable to reset my tests during weekends so that I don’t miss 2 whole days. This is unacceptable because when you study for exams, you usually don’t have to wait 2 days to do it. I’m very displeased. They also had no intention to help me when I called them three times asking for help. Kyle, this is a great post – and I can relate because I am in the same boat!I thought I had a great entrepreneur idea, which was to leverage my wealth of personal finance knowledge, coupled with my MBA, into a financial consulting firm. I have similar question as the one Laura has asked above. I have mba in finance and acc but i am currently working in tech and as a softwaredev professio al.

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I would love to start something on sides to utilize my financial knowledge and skills. Is there a route for independent financial advisors?

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Remaining in my ft tech job can i get licensed somehow? And then start my advisory firm as a part time thing or a weekend only thing. Along the lines of no commissions only fee. I am also open to advise only. So no trading on my side.

I ama bit confused. Also im 35 so i am a bit risk averse now so wouldnt want to jump right into advisory full time. And loose my decent salary suddenly.

Read Me First! Please note that the purchase of SeeWhy Financial Learning's exam preparation materials does not constitute enrolment in the actual licensing course(s). Instead, our materials are designed to assist you in understanding the content of such courses. If you have not already done so, you must register with the applicable course and exam provider in order to obtain their course materials and write the actual exam. IMPORTANT Notice of User Agreement: Your order entitles access for one (1) person only Review our End User License Agreement -that you agreed to during the purchase process. Your SeeWhy Learning study centre was created for a single user and is not transferable to, or to be shared by, another user, whether it is used for the full subscription time period or part thereof. Your subscription is effectively designed for your sole use and not to be shared.

Sharing access will result in termination of your subscription. Please read the full User Agreement. I purchased your study materials but due to a change in m personal circumstances I was not able to devote the appropriate amount of study time. I found the materials amazing but failed my exam simply because I hardly studied. I was so impressed by the excellent customer service I received even when requesting a refund under your guarantee.

After my life settled down, I decided to repurchase the materials. When I devoted the required time to my studies I passed with honours. I could not have done it without you.

Thanks again. I just thought I should drop you a line to let you know that I did my CSC exam Part 2 on Monday and am pleased to let you know that because of your program I was able to study using the study guide and practice exams and succeeded in passing the exam with a pass mark of 80%. I almost did not do the exams as the SC material was hard to grasp. My deadline was coming up at the end of September and so I decided to give SeeWhy Learning a try as I really needed to complete he course without having to pay for extension. After reading the Study Guide, I found that the material was easier to understand, I therefore studied and practiced for 6 weeks and within that time accomplished more than I did while reading the CSC book.

I know I am saying a lot but I am just excited and relieved. Thanks for making it all possible.

I wanted to express my thanks to your company. I have struggled with the CSC course for almost 4 years. I have purchased many different on-line & in class aids to assist in passing the course however none of them ever worked!

Then a co-worker told me about your program and I figured what more do I have to lose? Well I can happily say that I have finally completed the CSC successfully and I believe a big part of my success was your course! I have already spread the news to fellow co-workers about your courses and will continue to do so every chance I get! I was informed today that I passed my LLQP provincial exam which I am ecstatic about! Thank you very much for your excellent service and training curriculum. It was certainly a critical success factor in helping me prepare for exam day with success.

Your exam day prep tips were fantastic and helped settle me down before I wrote the exam. The exam was tough as I expected but the SeeWhy content got me through it. I will certainly recommend your service to others looking to obtain their LLQP designation. I will be interested in the Mutual Fund course in the near future as well. I work as a financial advisor for one of the big 5 banks in Ontario.

Part of my job requirement was to complete the CSC exams within 1 year of my hire date. Well, little did I know what a task that would be in reading the material.

So, in a bit of a panic, I went to my colleagues who all unanimously recommended the SeeWhy Learning flash cards and exam questions. I was a bit doubtful at first, but when I received the material and opened up the first question, I knew that it was right for me. It helped me hone in on the key parts that I needed to get the mark and I left with a 78%. I will be certainly ordering the SeeWhy Learning material for round 2, exam 2, coming up in January so I thank you. SeeWhy Learning offers exceptional material and training coupled with a very knowledgeable and professional staff. After completing CSC 1, CSC 2 and the LLQP, without using the support of SeeWhy Learning, I decided to purchase their services for my CPH and WME 1/2 and what a difference it made. I experienced increased scores on my exams, a better understanding of the concepts and material and all without it affecting my business.

I would highly recommend their services to anyone who is looking to complete any of the courses that are covered at SeeWhy Learning. With a week to my exam I turned to you after reading a textbook which didn’t at all teach to UNDERSTANDING the concepts. I also had a job offer on the line which added immense pressure. Within hours of listening to your audios and reading the study guide (which inverted material to begin at a logical point) I immediately felt relieved because I could feel I was understanding the concepts. Focusing on what I needed to know, the use of analogies and memory aids made all the difference. I just passed with 74%, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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I used the full CSC package to assist me. I am not disappointed at all with the level of materials and the level of service. Not only are the materials designed to help you learn and understand the materials a lot quicker, but any time I had additional questions I received a response within a few hours.

I found the tips/memory tricks really useful. That, together with the personable language, definitely cut down the hours I spent studying. The audio files with CSC1 were fantastic and really helped me learn some difficult concepts.

It has been many years since I’ve taken an exam, but the online study guide really boosted my confidence and gave me a great structure to work from. I’m extremely happy with my final mark of 78%. Don’t hesitate to buy a package with See Why Learning – if you don’t pass you don’t pay so you have nothing to lose! I just wanted to share some great news with you all. I wrote my CPH exam and passed it in my first try.

Like my CSC exams, I also bought your material & on-line help for CPH and the result was. As expected 🙂Thank you so very much for bringing out such an excellent study tool that has helped so many students like me to pass these professional exams on first attempt. I have recommended my friends to get your study material(s) and will continue doing so in future as well.Thank you once again.

I am very grateful for all the assistance you provided. My big thank you is for everyone associated with SeeWhy Learning.Have a wonderful long weekend and a very happy Canada Day.

Textbook Study NotesAvailable online and in printed format. Summary notes of the course textbook in a simple language format. Online version can be searched, bookmarked and full screen option.

It cannot be printed.Exam Level QuestionsFlash Cards, Quizzes, and Practice Exams, contain over 500 exam level of difficulty multiple choice questions and answers. Each attempt provides randomized or different questions and answers.Faster LearningWe’ve come up with a proven and effective study process that works. The SeeWhy Study Guides, Flash Cards, and Interactive Questions, will help you focus on the concepts that you need to be successful.Exam SuccessGives you the best chance of success as it teaches you the fundamental concepts and tests you at an exam level.Successful completion of the 'Mutual Funds' course, as offered by both CSI ®/ICB ® (Investment Funds in Canada ® IFC ®) and IFSE ® (Canadian Investment Funds Course ® CIFC ®), satisfies the educational requirement necessary to sell Mutual Funds in Canada, as set out by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA ®). Our study materials are designed to help you pass the IFIC exam, and do not constitute enrolment in the actual Mutual Funds course itself. Our CSC ® Study Tools are in-line with the most current UpdatesThe Canadian Securities Course ® (CSC ®), as offered by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI), is the initial course required for becoming licensed to sell securities, like stocks and bonds, in Canada, as set out by IIROC.

The CSC ® can also be used to satisfy the educational requirement necessary to sell mutual funds in Canada, as set out by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA). Our study materials are designed to help you pass the CSC ® exams, and do not constitute enrolment in the actual Canadian Securities Course ® itself.The Derivatives Fundamentals and Options Licensing ® (DFOL ®) is offered by CSI Canadian Securities Institute and is a one-step course that satisfies both educational requirements for becoming licensed to advise and sell options to clients in Canada, as set out by IIROC. The SeeWhy study materials are designed to help you pass the DFOL ® exam, and do not constitute enrolment in the actual Derivatives Fundamentals and Options Licensing ® course itself.The Derivatives Fundamentals and Options Licensing ® (DFOL ®) is really two courses that are merged together, the Derivatives Fundamentals Course ® (DFC ®) and the Options Licensing Course ® (OLC ®). The first textbook in the DFOL ® program covers the DFC ® material. The second textbook in the DFOL ® program covers all of the OLC ® material. The SeeWhy Learning study tools cover each chapter in the DFOL ® textbooks and explain many difficult concepts in clear, easy to understand language along with examples. The DFOL ® has an application-oriented exam that is not evenly weighted between the two textbooks and we strongly recommend anyone considering the DFOL ® course look at working through many of the key concept explanations and exam-level questions that we offer as the exam is known to be quite challenging.The Options Licensing Course ® (OLC ®) is offered by CSI Canadian Securities Institute and satisfies the educational requirements for the second course to become licensed to advise and sell options to clients in Canada, as set out by IIROC.

The OLC ® is ideal for advisors that have already completed the Derivatives Fundamentals Course ® (DFC ®). The SeeWhy study materials are designed to help you pass the OLC ® exam, and do not constitute enrolment in the actual Options Licensing Course ® itself.The SeeWhy Learning study tools cover each chapter in the OLC ® textbook and explain many difficult concepts in clear, easy to understand language along with examples. The OLC ® has an application-oriented exam and we strongly recommend anyone considering the OLC ® look at working through many of the key concept explanations and exam-level questions that we offer as the exam is known to be quite challenging.The Personal Financial Services Advice (PFSA ®) course, one of the courses required to obtain the PFP, was created to strengthen your confidence and knowledge so that you can advise your financial services prospects and clients based on their individual needs and goals.

The PFSA ® escalates your communications skills and helps you build stronger and profitable client relationships and confidence in your ability to professionally advise them. PFP (Personal Financial Planner): The banking industry’s equivalent of CFP. To earn this designation, administered by the Institute of Canadian Bankers (ICB), bank/financial institution employees must complete a financial planning educational program and have a minimum of six months’ work experience.The Wealth Management Essentials ® Course (WME ®), as offered by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI) focuses on two critical elements of wealth management - Financial planning and Investment management. Successful completion of the WME ® course fulfils IIROC's 30-month requirement for maintaining your securities license. It is also one very important step towards qualifying to write the Certified Financial Planner ® (CFP ®) exam.

Our study materials are designed to help you pass the WME ® exams, and do not constitute enrolment in the actual Wealth Management Essentials ® Course itself.The Conduct and Practices Handbook (CPH ®) is a guide to understanding the rules, regulations, practices and ethics that will guide a career as an investment advisor or representative. Assists in meeting IIROC's proficiency requirements for licensing.

Improves employability by gaining the education employers and regulators require.OTL ® - Other Than Life license = Insurance Agent. RIBO ® Registered Insurance Broker Ontario license = Broker.Exams and licensing from:Regulated by the (FSCO), this licence is applicable to those employed by direct-response insurers, dealing directly with the public. For this course, SeeWhy Learning does not offer a study guide, as the actual textbook from the Insurance Institute ® is clear and concise. However, you will find that our exam preparation questions will focus your studies, prepare you for the actual exam, and reduce your study time. These tools are so effective, that they carry our “If you don’t pass, You don’t pay! Period.” money back guarantee.Both the RIBO (Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario) and OTL (Other Than Life) license allow you to sell home and auto insurance in Ontario, however the OTL qualifies you to be an Insurance Agent while the RIBO license qualifies you to be an Insurance Broker.The New Entrants Course ® is for those with the desire to work within the Canadian Financial Investment marketplace, and requires the individual to have an established knowledge of investments.

The course material presents the subject matter from a Canadian perspective. Includes the Canadian Securities Course ® and the Conduct & Practices Handbook ® exam preparation study tools.

Exam Preparation study tools that you need to know to pass the NEC ® Exam. If you have not already done so, you must register with the applicable course provider in order to obtain their course materials and write the actual exam. Course provider for the NEC ® is www.csi.ca (CSI).Please note that the purchase of SeeWhy Financial Learning's exam preparation materials does not constitute enrolment in the actual licensing course(s) or exam.

Instead, our materials are designed to assist you in understanding the content of such courses. If you have not already done so, you must register with the applicable course provider in order to obtain their course materials and write the actual exam. Course provider for the CSC ® is ® is (CSI).

The trade-marks AFP, BCO, CSI, CSC, CPH, DFOL, FP1, FP2, FPSU, IFC, NEC, OLC, PFP, PFSA, WME, Wealth Management Essentials, Branch Compliance Officer, Canadian Securities Course, Conduct and Practices Handbook Course, Investment Fund in Canada, New Entrants Course, Wealth Management Essentials, Personal Financial Services Advice Reading, Financial Planning 1, Financial Planning 2, Financial Planning Supplement, Applied Financial Planning, and Personal Financial Planner are owned by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI ®). The Canadian Securities Institute (CSI ®) does not sponsor, license or necessarily recommend these notes and study material for any of its courses. SeeWhy Financial Learning is an independent supplier of educational services. Exam preparation materials are not sponsored by any other industry organization.© 2019 SEEWHY FINANCIAL LEARNING INC.