- The Fruit Of Grisaia Steam Restoration Patch
- Fruit Of Grisaia Restoration Patch
- Grisaia No Kajitsu Game
Fruit of grisaia restoration patch download free. But because the restoration patch is basically a port of the 18+ release, the CG and the content from the ported PSP version, which are included in the Steam version, won't be included anymore after applying this patch. The Fruit of Grisaia 18+ Steam Patch I already know, that such a patch does not exist, wich means, this isn't my question in particular. But I informed myself about this topic and found the 'Imouto Works Patch' wich was taken down.
Does Grisaia: Phantom Trigger have H-scenes? Will there be an 18+ patch?
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger was created and designed as an all-ages game, and therefore features no sexually explicit content. Accordingly, no restoration patch will be necessary, as the digital and physical versions will contain the exact same content. That being said, the manga adaptation features more adult-oriented content, as do many of the supplemental items we are offering (i.e. the artbook and tapestries).However, please do note that the series does feature scenes of intense violence and language.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Will Phantom Trigger have dual language support?
Yes! Just like the Corona Blossom series, Phantom Trigger will support display of both English and Japanese game text, as well as the display of both languages simultaneously.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
How many volumes will Phantom Trigger have?
Phantom Trigger is an ongoing series, with each volume comprising of a largely self-contained story. Currently the first four volumes of the game are in development, but the total final number of entries in the series is yet to be decided.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Will one of the stretch goals be a PS Vita port of Phantom Trigger?
We’re very aware of the size and passion of the Vita fanbase here at Frontwing, and would love for Phantom Trigger to come to the Vita. However, as Phantom Trigger is an ongoing series, we feel that the possibility of a Vita port would best be considered once the series can be delivered as a single complete package (and indeed, it wouldn’t be feasible for us to release episodically on Vita for a number of reasons). We’ll absolutely revisit this topic when the series comes nearer to completion, so be on the lookout for that!
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Do I need to play the original Grisaia trilogy before I play Phantom Trigger?
The Fruit Of Grisaia Steam Restoration Patch
While Phantom Trigger does make reference to characters, events, and concepts from the original Grisaia trilogy, and knowledge of these will certainly enhance the Phantom Trigger experience, the series is designed to be enjoyed by longtime Grisaia fans and newcomers alike. The Fruit of Grisaia and The Labyrinth of Grisaia are available on both Steam and Denpasoft from Sekai Project, and the Steam version of The Eden of Grisaia is scheduled for a March 2017 release.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Who is the main character of Phantom Trigger?
Aoi Haruto is the main protagonist of the Phantom Trigger series. However, some portions of the story may also be told from the perspective of other characters.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Will physical English copies of Phantom Trigger and other goods be available outside of Kickstarter?
We currently do not have any plans to offer Phantom Trigger goods outside of this campaign, and the localized items funded by the campaign will be exclusive to it.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
Will there be crowdfunding campaigns for future volumes of Phantom Trigger?
We are still undecided on this topic, but we have found that platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the best and most convenient way for us to make physical copies of our games (as well as other goods) available for purchase from fans outside of Japan. We’ll have more to announce in the future!
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
How will shipping be handled for the campaign? Why does it cost the amount it does?
The default shipping method for the campaign is international SAL shipping from Japan. This is the most affordable method that will still get your rewards to you in a reasonable amount of time. If you wish to upgrade to EMS, please contact us directly and we can help you out with that.The shipping costs are based on the actual SAL shipping charge plus the cost of packaging and labor for shipping. The shipping charges are not inflated in any way.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:06
How do I purchase add-ons?
Add-ons will be purchasable in BackerKit after the campaign! You can increase your pledge by the cost of the add-on and you will be able to use that money in BackerKit for add-on purchases, or you can pay for the add-on directly on BackerKit after the campaign.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:15
Can I pay with PayPal?
Unfortunately, Kickstarter does not support PayPal as a payment method. However, if you make a pledge at any tier, you can upgrade to a higher tier on BackerKit after the campaign, and use PayPal on BackerKit to cover the difference. Please do keep in mind that if limited rewards sell out during or after the campaign, you will not be able to upgrade to those tiers in BackerKit.
Last updated: March 06, 2017 18:47
What about physical copies of the original Grisaia trilogy/spinoffs in English?
UPDATE: A stretch goal for this has been added! Check here for details: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/frontwing/a-grand-entrance-for-new-vn-series-grisaia-phantom/posts/1846833
Last updated: March 31, 2017 07:58
Fruit Of Grisaia Restoration Patch
Grisaia No Kajitsu Game
I didn’t back the campaign, can I get the discounted Grisaia Complete Box?
If you are a backer of the original Grisaia Kickstarter campaign from Sekai Project, or if you purchased the Japanese version of the Complete Box from J-List, we can add you as a backer so you can have access to the discounted price. Please email proof of contribution or purchase to contact@frontwing.co.jp.
Can I switch my pledge level?
If you backed the campaign on Kickstarter, yes! However, you cannot switch into limited-quantity pledge levels.
How much is shipping for add-ons?
BackerKit has a new system which allows us to set shipping costs based on the actual amount and weight of add-ons ordered! This means that your shipping charge will depend on what add-ons you have in your cart and how many.
Please note that the Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Manga and the Grisaia Complete Box ship separately from other items and therefore have their own separate shipping charge which does not stack with other items.