Wikipedia's Levatores costarum muscles as translated by GramTrans
Deep – interspinales, intertransversarii and levatores costarum These three muscle groups are small, proprioceptive muscles that have minimal agonist action. They are of vital importance in maintaining an upright posture with continuous biofeedback to the antigravity muscles. They will only briefly be mentioned. Along with interspinales and levatores costarum the intertransversarii comprise the deepest layer of the deep back muscles. Intertransversarii cervicis The intertransversarii cervicis (also known as intertransversarii colli; Latin: musculi intertransversarii cervicis ) are more developed than the intertransversarii lumborum. Levatores Costarum. Posted on Jul 27th, 2020 / Published in: Ribs. General information. Levatores costarum is a group of 12 small triangular muscles connecting the thoracic vertebrae to their adjacent ribs. These muscles are situated along the entire thoracic area from C7 to T12 on the posterior thoracic vertebra. Literal meaning.
La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo Levatores costarum muscles article en la angla Vikipedio, farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2016-02-09 03:42:18. Eventualaj ŝanĝoj en la angla originalo estos kaptitaj per regulaj retradukoj. Se vi volas enigi tiun artikolon en la originalan Esperanto-Vikipedion, vi povas uzi nian specialan redakt-interfacon. Rigardu la artikolon pri WikiTrans por trovi klarigojn pri kiel fari tion. Ankaŭ ekzistas speciala vortaro-interfaco por proponi aŭ kontroli terminojn. |
Levator costrumo muskoloj | |
Profundaj dorsmuskoloj.(Levator costrumo etikedita vertikale en centro maldekstre.) | |
Detaloj | |
Origino | Transverstuberoj de C7 al T11-vertebroj |
Enmeto | Superaj surfacoj de la ripoj senpere malsupraj al la antaŭaj vertebroj |
Nervo | dorsrami C8-T11 (Interkostaj nervoj) |
Agoj | Kunlaboras en alteco de la toraka torako |
Identigiloj | |
La latina | Muskuli levatorcostrumo |
Dorlands /Elsevier | m_22/12549574 |
TA | A04.4.01.009 |
FMA | 71312 |
Anatomiaj esprimoj de muskolo |
(majo 2015) La Levatores costarum ( / ˌ l da ɛ v ə ˈ t

Ili pasas oblikve malsupren kaj laterale, kiel la fibroj de la Intercostales-eksterni, kaj ĉiu estas enigita en la eksteran surfacon de la ripo tuj sub la vertebro de kiu ĝi prenas originon, inter la tuberklo kaj la angulo ( Levatores costarum breves).
Ĉiu el la kvar malsupraj muskoldislimoj en du fasciculus, unu el kiu estas enigita tiel supre priskribis;la aliaj enirpermesiloj malsupren al la dua ripo sub ĝia origino ( Levatores costarum longi).

Ilia rolo en normala inspiro, se entute, estas necerta.Ili povas ludi rolon en vertebra movado kaj/aŭ proprioception.
Vidu ankaŭ
Tiu artikolo integrigas tekston en la publika domeno de la 20-a eldono de Gray's Anatomy (1918)
Eksteraj ligiloj
- 597295163 ĉe GPnotebook

Interspinales Muscle

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Intertransversarii | |
Details | |
Origin | Transverse process |
Insertion | Transverse process above |
Nerve | Ventral rami and Dorsal rami of spinal nerves |
Actions | Lateral flexion of trunk |
Identifiers | |
Latin | Musculi intertransversarii |
TA98 | A04.3.02.401 |
TA2 | 2294 |
FMA | 22848 |
Anatomical terms of muscle [edit on Wikidata] |
The intertransversarii are small muscles placed between the transverse processes of the vertebrae.
In the cervical region they are best developed, consisting of rounded muscular and tendinous fasciculi, and are placed in pairs, passing between the anterior and the posterior tubercles respectively of the transverse processes of two contiguous vertebrae, and separated from one another by an anterior primary division of the cervical nerve, which lies in the groove between them.
- The muscles connecting the anterior tubercles are termed the anterior intertransversarii.
- Those between the posterior tubercles are termed the posterior intertransversarii.
Both sets are supplied by the anterior rami of the spinal nerves.
There are seven pairs of these muscles, the first pair being between the atlas and axis, and the last pair between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebræ.
In the thoracic region they are present between the transverse processes of the lower three thoracic vertebrae, and between the transverse processes of the last thoracic and the first lumbar. These are called the thoracic intertransversarii and are supplied by the posterior rami of the spinal nerves.
In the lumbar region they are arranged in pairs, on either side of the vertebral column,
- one set occupying the entire interspace between the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, are the lateral lumbar intertransversarii.
- the other set, the medial lumbar intertransversarii, passing from the accessory process of one vertebra to the mammillary of the vertebra below.
The intertransversarii laterales are supplied by the anterior rami, and the intertransversarii mediales by the posterior rami of the spinal nerves.
They contribute little to no movement on their own, but they stabilize adjoining vertebrae allowing more effective action from other muscle groups.
See also[edit]
Levatores Costarum Innervation
This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 401 of the 20th edition ofGray's Anatomy(1918)
Interspinales And Intertransversarii
External links[edit]
Levatores Costarum Brevis
- Intertransversarii at the Duke University Health System's Orthopedics program