1. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Game
  2. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List

At 1st level, you choose various aspects of your character, including ability scores, race, class, and background. Together these elements help paint a picture of your character's origin and give you the ability to create many different types of characters. Statblock5e provides an easy way to display a creature statblock that looks almost exactly like the statblocks from the 5th edition D&D Monster Manual. This is implemented as a set of custom elements following the Web Components specs: ES Modules, Custom Elements, and the Shadow DOM. D&D 5e Ability Score Generator 4d6 drop lowest. Description (more info) To get the modifier: - 1. Subtract 10 - 2. Divide by 2 - 3. 5e abilities abilityscores d&d dnd. A DnD Statblock Generator (in the making) Resource. TL;DR I made this thing. I recently started DMing and found a frustrating lack of tools for making statblocks that match the official style of 5e, so I made my own! It's just a small web app that gives you a form for entering the data, formats it in real time and calculates all the. Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits. Actions Club: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Easily create and download D&D stat blocks for fifth edition

StatusIn development
Average sessionA few seconds

Development log

  • New Features
    Feb 06, 2020

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Looks like a good tool! One thing though: could you add the ability to give the creature reactions? Right now there's no way to make that section

I love this tool, im not sure if im just dumb but could you please add a way to add condition immunities and resistance to piercing slashing and bludgeoning damage from non magical weapons?

how have more people not seen or used this or left comments? This is a really useful tool and I look forward to seeing what else you do

I will say though the hit dice is not working, nor can I select what type of dice to use

Apologies for getting to this so late, you will find that the tool has been fixed, and the Hit Dice now update correctly

By Duncan Thomson on

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Game

Generators for Dungeons and Dragons NPCs, with quick descriptions, detailed stats and NPC pdfs.

5E Tools Guides - npcs | dungeons | treasure | PCs | Theros | worlds | dm's guild

Disclaimer. I'm an affiliate for DM's Guild and I also create a lot of products with random tables on DM's Guild..

NPCs for Dungeons and Dragons

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

A well-described NPC can engage the Players fully with a D&D game. More often the important NPC will be ignored, belittled or avoided by the characters as they concentrate on a town drunk, passing noble, shoe seller or other previously nameless NPC.

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List

This guide has options for quick NPCs with a few details, more in depth characters or lists of traits and specific types of NPCs.

You may like NPC-themed PDFs or look at the bits and pieces like NPCs as monsters and encounters

For a Quick NPC

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

This fearsome mumbling gnomish fellow is rubbing a talisman. Morbertis strict about social status and rolls his 'r's and stammers whiletrying to think of a word. He is ashamed of his station in life.

...from 5thdnd.com gives a colourful 3-line description

Some NPCs only need a brief description, for which Donjon has an NPC generator with class, stats, armour and weapons. The quick npc generator(one of mine) gives name, physical trait and a bit of personality.

For a Detailed NPC

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

Tristan de Mowbray is a 47 year old male half-elf merchant. He has cropped, curled, silver hair and brown eyes. He has soft, pockmarked, pink skin. He stands 172cm (5'7') tall and has a round build. He has a square, bland face with a medium beard. He has a scar on his chest.

... from description in NPC Generator. It also has traits, ability scores, a plot hook, physical features and religion. And lots of opportunity for customisation.

Some major NPCs such as lovers, major hirelings, rivals and villains require more detail and stats.

NPC tool at TotalPartyKill gives stats, skills and personality traits. The NPC Generator at DM's Vault has a summary, description and stats. A nice touch is a short descriptor for each stat explaining the value (constitution: 18 robust). The NPC generator at negatherium also has detailed appearance, personality and an adventure hook as well as a basic stat block.

For a more stat block with a templated approach rpgTinker will let you customise by NPC type, race and attribute array. Templates include combat, spellcaster and non-combat options.

Traits and Specific NPCs

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

'NPC doesn’t have eyebrows, but instead has tattooed eyebrows slightly too high, which gives a look of permanent surprise. '

...from 100 Physical Traits on DnD Speak.

You may prefer to create an NPC from a couple of details, using a couple of trait suggestions or picking from a list. For options for names try my Tools Guide for 5e PCs

Leugrun's D&D 5E Tools has great lists with NPCs or Villains. There are 100 Catchphrases (to join the 100 physical traits) and Chartopia has a larger trait table with 1000 NPC traits.

DND Speak also has d100 tables of shopkeepers and merchants, interesting pirates and hosts for a night's stay. .

PDFs of NPC Random Tables

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces


200 NPC Catchphrases is a free pdf of things your NPCs might say. And another free pdf with 100 NPC physical traits (whic is version of dnd speak one mentioned above)

100 Unique NPCs has a d100 table for npcs each with full page statblock, personality and other notes.

Finally for an amazing pdf of NPC statblocks get Adaptable NPCs on DM's Guild

Bits and Pieces

quick npcs | detailed npcs | npc traits | pdfs | bits & pieces

For a randomly generated monster try Darehart's Monstrous Codex

I've got a 5e Encounter Generator which has an option for creating just NPC encounters.

Recommendations Please!

I'll keep this guide updated so please suggest 5E NPC generators in the comments or on twitter to @DuncanThom

5E D&D Tools Guides - NPCs & Encounters | Dungeons & Traps | Treasure & Items | Player Characters | Theros | World Building | pdfs on DM's Guild