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  1. El Diablo Suelto guitar pro tab by Heraclio Fernandez. 2,071 views, added to favorites 11 times. Difficulty: advanced. Tuning: E A D G B E. File format: gp5.
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'El Diablo Suelto'
Composer(s)Heraclio Fernández Noya[1]

El Diablo Suelto (The Devil on the Loose), published originally in 1888,[2] is one of the most renowned songs in Venezuela's music history. Composed by Heraclio Fernández, this popular waltz created in the western state of Zulia is played as a joropo, as it forms part of Venezuelan folk culture.[3]


Popular musician and composer Enrique Hidalgo wrote a little–known lyrics for the song, which was recorded by Gualberto Ibarreto in 1976.[4]

— I —

Recógete muchacho por allá anda el diablo suelto;
Y lleva entre sus cachos al hijo de Ruperto
Que Lucifer lo llaman, Mandinga, varios nombres le dan
Que lo han visto en Carora también que lo han visto en San Juan.

— II —

Coge la cruz de palma real sin vacilar,
ponte a rezar, agarra bien
un puño e' sal, también agua bendita
Y no te pongas a temblar, a lloriquear sin
más que hacer porque el placer del
diablo es asustar y hacerte correr

— III —

No vayas a pensar que con ron y tabaco lo podrás ahuyentar:
Porque le gusta a ese diablo beber, también fumar,
corre, brinca, salta, que el diablo suelto te puede agarrar

See also[edit]

Assorted versions[edit]

  • El Cuarteto on YouTube
  • Cuarteto Caraquita on YouTube
  • Ensamble Gurrufío on YouTube
  • Gualberto Ibarreto on YouTube
  • Venezuelan Jazz Project on YouTube
  • John Williams on YouTube
  • Accordéon Mélancolique on YouTube

El Diablo Suelto Partitura Piano


  1. ^José López-Calo; Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta (1999). Faura-Guataca. S.G.A.E. ISBN978-84-8048-308-7.
  2. ^Sainik Samachar. Director of Public Relations, Ministry of Defence. 1986.
  3. ^Alemán, Carmen Elena (1998). Venezuela. Equinoccio, Ediciones de la Universidad Simón Bolívar. p. 458. ISBN978-980-237-166-2. Retrieved 2008-11-10.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^Gualberto Ibarreto Vol. 4, Promus, 1976 (LP). Sincopa.com. Retrieved on July 15, 2015.

External links[edit]


Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=El_Diablo_Suelto&oldid=993146554'

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Mar 23, - El diablo suelto partitura guitarra scales. Download Tutorial Effect Photoshop Pdf. Alirio diaz pdf - Findeen. Cautious canine the patricia b mcconnell download files.

Hello, just wondering if anyone is a huge fan of this CD like I am! Most of the music from the CD is published now, i have bought everyone available so far and learnt 7 of the pieces so far. It is really great stuff to play! I highly recommend this CD to any of you. Gta 5 Fix. Just in case you dont know, it is a CD of Venezualan guitar music, trancribed and published by Alirio Diaz check out if you want to order any of the music My favorite piece is the first track, 'Los Caujaritos' - I just got the music last week and I have been practicing it for hours everday!

I have just about finished learning it, but not quite as perfect as Mr Williams plays it yet. That guy is really something else! Does anyone know if I would be able to post a recording of me playing it, or is it not in the public domain? Has anyone else learnt any of the pieces yet? I have learnt tracks 1,2,15,17,18,22 and My next challenge is the 5 pieces by Sojo.

I would love anyone to share experiences of this CD! Hi Jamie, Congratulations on the new sheet music for your outstanding CD. I might play something from it but I'm not sure since I don't own it. The caroni music place is a great resource, specially for those looking for Alirio Diaz transcriptions which are outstanding and from my point of view and taste probably the best for Venezuelan music. As far as posting or playing those, I doubt it since it is all regretfully copyrighted material and that will not be proper in this forum see the rules and regulations.

But you can still post some other non copyrighted stuff here. We always like to hear you and enjoy your MP3 very much. Happy guitar!

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