
The guide below provides instructions regarding the download and setup of InteleViewer. In order to use InteleViewer you will need a User Name and Password. These can be requested by emailing or contacting your Memorial MRI & Diagnostic marketing representative. InteleViewer represents the future in medical image delivery and records management. It offers the ultra fast web delivery of digital radiology images direct to your practice desktop, wireless laptop or mobile device.

As one of the lead medical imaging software packages in the Australian radiology space, we are always getting asked by clients to provide installation instructions or a user guide on how to perform the installation of Intelerad Medical Systems Interviewer. It is a fairly straightforward installation and to begin with, it is important that you have administrative access to the PC or Apple computer you wish to install the software on. A username and password for an account that has access to an Intelerad server, and finally 10 minutes to perform the installation.

  1. Browse to the clients Intelerad Server Internal or External Address (Example https://pacs.svcmi.com.au/InteleViewer-tracks/stable/ )via your web browser
    1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
    2. Microsoft Edge
    3. Mozilla Firefox
    4. Apple Safari
    5. Google Chrome
    6. Any other internet browser
  2. Based on the operating system and architecture of your operating system, you will need to select which installer to download In this example, I am running Windows 10 64-bit edition and will need to select the 64-bit Windows installer and click Download InteleViewer under that menu (example below).
  3. Wait patiently as InteleViewer downloads
  4. Once loading is complete, please go to the folder where it downloaded (generally it’s in your Downloads folder) and run the installer as an administrator (if possible). Hint: You can access this via the Quick access menu in your file explorer window on Windows 8/10.
  5. Double click the file you downloaded and it will open.
  6. If you are prompted to allow the application to run, please click Yes
  7. Please wait while the installer initialises
  8. InteleViewer’s license and terms +conditions of use will open. In order to proceed with the installation please select “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” and then click the Next button.
  9. You will also need to agree to Oracle’s Java licensing. In order to proceed with the installation please select “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” and then click the Next button.
  10. The installation will ask where you would like to install InteleViewer, in this example we will leave the installation folder as default. It is only in rare cases where you may be required to install it to another folder. Please click the Next button to proceed.
  11. The next window will ask if you want all users to be able to upgrade InteleViewer. This is solely up to the end-user. In this example we will allow all users, as this guide is installing the stable track which means the upgrade process will only install the latest stable version. Please click Next.
  12. Please leave this disabled as this is not required, please click next
  13. Please wait patiently as InteleViewer installs.
  14. Once the installation has completed the installation window will disappear.
  15. The InteleViewer installation will create the following shortcuts:
    1. Desktop
    2. Start Menu
  16. Please click or double click one of the shortcuts above to open InteleViewer.
  17. When you open InteleViewer for the first time, a prompt will appear asking which server you want to connect to. Please click the button Enter a New Server.
  18. The new bookmark window will open.
  19. Please type the complete URL on the next line in the Server URL text box and click the OK button: example https://pacs.svcmi.com.au (NOTE: Don’t include the https:// as it will not work, check it is correct by pinging it first.)
  20. Once the address is verified, the bookmark will display in the InteleViewer window. Please note: The bookmark will not be able to be added without internet access.
  • Overview
  • Brochures
  • e-referrals
  • PACS
  • ACC MRI E-Referral

Welcome to your
Referrer Information page

To request an appointment for a patient click here

View results click here

To register for InteleViewer click here

To download a printable referrer form click here

Brochures for downloading and printing:


Medtech Evolution


Profile for Mac



  • When the web page appears click 'Apply for account', agree to the confidentiality agreement and fill in the account application.
  • Once your account has been approved (usually within a day), to download the PACS programme, repeat the process and click on the same link that takes you to the web browser.
  • Enter the TRG web browser using your new account log on and password (sometimes you need to enter this twice).
  • Click on ‘Installers’ on the bottom left panel, then go to ‘Inteleviewer tracks’.
  • From here you can download the stable version that is most suitable for your computer.
  • To get access to our server, when you first activate the Inteleviewer icon on the desktop, go to ‘edit bookmarks’, click ‘add’, and enter https://trgpacs.co.nz as the server URL.
  • Protect the bookmark, and add ‘TRG Imaging’ as the custom server name.

We require each person accessing the Inteleviewer to have their own account. This is for auditing purposes should we have any issues with patient confidentiality.

If you already have Inteleviewer installed on your PC, then you just need to add the web bookmark – https://trgpacs.co.nz

For any infomation regarding PACS, please contact the PACS team:

Email: PACSAdmin@trgimaging.co.nz

DDI: 09 926 7663



Contact Person: Gaeline Moselen / Nora Parry

DDI: 09 437 7542 or 09 437 0540

Mobile: 027 529 9185

Email: GMoselen@trgimaging.co.nz / NParry@trgimaging.co.nz


Contact Person: PACS Team

DDI: 09 926 7663

Email: PACSAdmin@trgimaging.co.nz

Rotorua / Taupo


Contact Person: Andrew Griffiths

DDI: 07 348 8139

Mobile: 021 167 9275

Email: AGriffiths@trgimaging.co.nz

Hawkes Bay / Gisborne

Contact Person: Leanne Marshall

DDI: 06 845 3309 (Monday to Thursday)

Mobile: 027 296 7272

Email: LMarshall@trgimaging.co.nz



Searching for patients

The best way to search for studies on PACS is via the patient’s NHI which can be added into the Patient ID field. As not all patients who have examinations with TRGG have an NHI it is also possible to search via patient name. When searching via patient name it is important to remember to use the correct format.

The correct format: Surname, first name ( including comma and space)

Finding Reports

PACS is the quickest way to access reports as they are available as soon as the radiologist has authorised the report.

Reports can be accessed in a number of ways:

Using the mouse to manipulate the image

The Inteleviewer assigns buttons to your mouse that work well together. What tools are assigned can be seen in the very bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Inteleviewer Troubleshooting

Move the mouse forwards and backwards and side to side while holding the relevant mouse button.

The middle mouse button can be activated by pressing down on the mouse wheel.

Remember it is not possible for users to damage or change the image in any permanent way!

This MRI e-referral guide shows you how to order an MRI for an ACC inquiry. The use of this form requires you to be accredited through the ProCare MRI accreditation program and to remain accredited by attending a yearly refresher.

All ACC MRI e-referrals must be submitted through the MRI e-referral portal - hard copies are not accepted.

Inteleviewer Exe

For ProCare MRI accreditation and help desk please phone 09 374 6759 option 1

Inteleviewer Download Free

ACC MRI E-Referral User Guide