
Miza & Sirius - Area 6662. Alan Walker - Fade (Miza Remix).

Apr 12th, 2015

Empowering a creative and passionate community through innovation. A remake of the original Monstercat audio visualizer. I am in no way associated with Monstercat, this was just a project that I wanted to make. If you see any bugs/problems, please tell me so that I can fix them. Color of the visualizer bars/monstercat cover in RGB(a).; This is the default color when genre-based colors are activated.; You can change the color to one of the following genres (in the list) by writing the genre like this: #Dubstep#.

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  1. ;
  2. ; Many thanks for the audiolevel.dll plugin to dgrace
  3. Author=marcopixel
  4. Update=0
  5. ; ----------------------------------
  6. ; VARIABLES - For changing font, player, bar color and more.
  7. fontName=Bebas Neue Light
  8. bg=255,255,255,0
  9. Player=CAD
  10. ; ----------------------------------
  11. ; ----------------------------------
  12. [Background]
  13. W=675
  14. x=0
  15. SolidColor=#bg#
  16. ; ----------------------------------
  17. ; ----------------------------------
  18. [measureAudioRaw_Out]
  19. ; Documentation: http://rainmeter.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=18802
  20. Plugin=AudioLevel
  21. ;RMSAttack=0
  22. ;RMSGain=0.0
  23. ;PeakDecay=80
  24. FFTSize=2048
  25. FFTAttack=40
  26. Bands=39
  27. FreqMax=15000
  28. ; ----------------------------------
  29. ; MEASURES NowPlaying - Controls the MediaPlayer and outputs title, artist, cover and more.
  30. Measure=Plugin
  31. PlayerName=#Player#
  32. PlayerPath=
  33. Substitute=':'
  34. Measure=Plugin
  35. PlayerName=[mPlayer]
  36. Substitute=':'#Player#'
  37. [mCover]
  38. Plugin=NowPlaying.dll
  39. PlayerType=COVER
  40. Measure=Plugin
  41. PlayerName=[mPlayer]
  42. ; MEASURES Visualizer Bars - these output the values for the bars
  43. Measure=Plugin
  44. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  45. BandIdx=1
  46. [measureAudioOut_02]
  47. Plugin=AudioLevel
  48. Type=Band
  49. Measure=Plugin
  50. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  51. BandIdx=2
  52. [measureAudioOut_04]
  53. Plugin=AudioLevel
  54. Type=Band
  55. Measure=Plugin
  56. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  57. BandIdx=4
  58. [measureAudioOut_06]
  59. Plugin=AudioLevel
  60. Type=Band
  61. Measure=Plugin
  62. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  63. BandIdx=6
  64. [measureAudioOut_08]
  65. Plugin=AudioLevel
  66. Type=Band
  67. Measure=Plugin
  68. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  69. BandIdx=8
  70. [measureAudioOut_10]
  71. Plugin=AudioLevel
  72. Type=Band
  73. Measure=Plugin
  74. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  75. BandIdx=10
  76. [measureAudioOut_12]
  77. Plugin=AudioLevel
  78. Type=Band
  79. Measure=Plugin
  80. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  81. BandIdx=12
  82. [measureAudioOut_14]
  83. Plugin=AudioLevel
  84. Type=Band
  85. Measure=Plugin
  86. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  87. BandIdx=14
  88. [measureAudioOut_16]
  89. Plugin=AudioLevel
  90. Type=Band
  91. Measure=Plugin
  92. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  93. BandIdx=16
  94. [measureAudioOut_18]
  95. Plugin=AudioLevel
  96. Type=Band
  97. Measure=Plugin
  98. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  99. BandIdx=18
  100. [measureAudioOut_20]
  101. Plugin=AudioLevel
  102. Type=Band
  103. Measure=Plugin
  104. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  105. BandIdx=20
  106. [measureAudioOut_22]
  107. Plugin=AudioLevel
  108. Type=Band
  109. Measure=Plugin
  110. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  111. BandIdx=22
  112. [measureAudioOut_24]
  113. Plugin=AudioLevel
  114. Type=Band
  115. Measure=Plugin
  116. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  117. BandIdx=24
  118. [measureAudioOut_26]
  119. Plugin=AudioLevel
  120. Type=Band
  121. Measure=Plugin
  122. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  123. BandIdx=26
  124. [measureAudioOut_28]
  125. Plugin=AudioLevel
  126. Type=Band
  127. Measure=Plugin
  128. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  129. BandIdx=28
  130. [measureAudioOut_30]
  131. Plugin=AudioLevel
  132. Type=Band
  133. Measure=Plugin
  134. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  135. BandIdx=30
  136. [measureAudioOut_32]
  137. Plugin=AudioLevel
  138. Type=Band
  139. Measure=Plugin
  140. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  141. BandIdx=32
  142. [measureAudioOut_34]
  143. Plugin=AudioLevel
  144. Type=Band
  145. Measure=Plugin
  146. Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
  147. BandIdx=34
  148. ; METERS - Stuff that gets drawn (like bars, cover, text)
  149. Meter=BAR
  150. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_01
  151. Y=0
  152. H=200
  153. [meter_bar02]
  154. Orientation=Vertical
  155. X=7R
  156. W=12
  157. BarColor=#BarColor#
  158. Meter=BAR
  159. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_03
  160. Y=0r
  161. H=200
  162. [meter_bar04]
  163. Orientation=Vertical
  164. X=7R
  165. W=12
  166. BarColor=#BarColor#
  167. Meter=BAR
  168. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_05
  169. Y=0r
  170. H=200
  171. [meter_bar06]
  172. Orientation=Vertical
  173. X=7R
  174. W=12
  175. BarColor=#BarColor#
  176. Meter=BAR
  177. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_07
  178. Y=0r
  179. H=200
  180. [meter_bar08]
  181. Orientation=Vertical
  182. X=7R
  183. W=12
  184. BarColor=#BarColor#
  185. Meter=BAR
  186. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_09
  187. Y=0r
  188. H=200
  189. [meter_bar10]
  190. Orientation=Vertical
  191. X=7R
  192. W=12
  193. BarColor=#BarColor#
  194. Meter=BAR
  195. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_11
  196. Y=0r
  197. H=200
  198. [meter_bar12]
  199. Orientation=Vertical
  200. X=7R
  201. W=12
  202. BarColor=#BarColor#
  203. Meter=BAR
  204. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_13
  205. Y=0r
  206. H=200
  207. [meter_bar14]
  208. Orientation=Vertical
  209. X=7R
  210. W=12
  211. BarColor=#BarColor#
  212. Meter=BAR
  213. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_15
  214. Y=0r
  215. H=200
  216. [meter_bar16]
  217. Orientation=Vertical
  218. X=7R
  219. W=12
  220. BarColor=#BarColor#
  221. Meter=BAR
  222. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_17
  223. Y=0r
  224. H=200
  225. [meter_bar18]
  226. Orientation=Vertical
  227. X=7R
  228. W=12
  229. BarColor=#BarColor#
  230. Meter=BAR
  231. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_19
  232. Y=0r
  233. H=200
  234. [meter_bar20]
  235. Orientation=Vertical
  236. X=7R
  237. W=12
  238. BarColor=#BarColor#
  239. Meter=BAR
  240. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_21
  241. Y=0r
  242. H=200
  243. [meter_bar22]
  244. Orientation=Vertical
  245. X=7R
  246. W=12
  247. BarColor=#BarColor#
  248. Meter=BAR
  249. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_23
  250. Y=0r
  251. H=200
  252. [meter_bar24]
  253. Orientation=Vertical
  254. X=7R
  255. W=12
  256. BarColor=#BarColor#
  257. Meter=BAR
  258. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_25
  259. Y=0r
  260. H=200
  261. [meter_bar26]
  262. Orientation=Vertical
  263. X=7R
  264. W=12
  265. BarColor=#BarColor#
  266. Meter=BAR
  267. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_27
  268. Y=0r
  269. H=200
  270. AverageSize=0.1
  271. Meter=BAR
  272. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_28
  273. Y=0r
  274. H=200
  275. [meter_bar29]
  276. Orientation=Vertical
  277. X=7R
  278. W=12
  279. BarColor=#BarColor#
  280. Meter=BAR
  281. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_30
  282. Y=0r
  283. H=200
  284. [meter_bar30]
  285. Orientation=Vertical
  286. X=7R
  287. W=12
  288. BarColor=#BarColor#
  289. Meter=BAR
  290. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_31
  291. Y=0r
  292. H=200
  293. [meter_bar32]
  294. Orientation=Vertical
  295. X=7R
  296. W=12
  297. BarColor=#BarColor#
  298. Meter=BAR
  299. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_33
  300. Y=0r
  301. H=200
  302. [meter_bar34]
  303. Orientation=Vertical
  304. X=7R
  305. W=12
  306. BarColor=#BarColor#
  307. Meter=BAR
  308. MeasureName=measureAudioOut_35
  309. Y=0r
  310. H=200
  311. ; METERS NowPlaying
  312. Meter=Bar
  313. X=10
  314. W=659
  315. BarColor=#BarColor#
  316. BarOrientation=HORIZONTAL
  317. [AlbumArt]
  318. MeasureName=mCover
  319. Y=8R
  320. H=100
  321. ;SolidColor=0,0,0,75
  322. LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute [!RainmeterPluginBang 'mPlayer OpenPlayer']
  323. ;replacement
  324. ;Meter=String
  325. ;X=7R
  327. ;ClipString=1
  328. ;FontColor=255,255,255,255
  329. ;FontSize=34
  330. ;Meter=String
  331. ;X=4r
  333. ;ClipString=1
  334. ;FontColor=255,255,255,255
  335. ;FontSize=24
  336. Meter=String
  337. X=7R
  338. FontFace=Montserrat
  339. AntiAlias=1
  340. StringCase=UPPER
  341. FontEffectColor=0,0,0,0
  342. [Title]
  343. MeasureName=mPlayer
  344. Y=-10R
  345. FontColor=255,255,255,255
  346. FontSize=24
  347. StringEffect=Shadow
RAW Paste Data

INFO: Spotify is broken right now, read more about this here: #191: Not pulling cover art, song title, or artist from Spotify

Monstercat Visualizer

A realtime audio visualizer for Rainmeter similar to the ones used in the Monstercat videos.


Supports all major media players, including full Spotify, Google Play Music Desktop Player and Chrome/Firefox webplayer support (thanks to RobertFrydenlund and @tjhrulz for the amazing plugins used in this skin).

Minimum Requirements:

Monstercat Visualizer
  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Rainmeter 4.2 Beta (r3074) or higher.


  • Live visualization of the audio output
  • Customizable colors and fonts
  • Genre-based colors (AIMP, CAD, iTunes, WMP and Winamp)
  • Cover-based colors (All supported players)
  • Support for all major media players
  • Full Spotify (Desktop & Web Player) support
  • Full Google Play Music Desktop Player & Web Player support
  • Full Youtube, Soundcloud, and other web music players
  • Media controls & progress bar
  • Settings skin for easier customization/configuration
  • Hide skin when media player is not running

Important notes

  • You need at least Rainmeter 4.2 Beta (r3074) or higher to get all features of this skin. You can find the newest version on https://www.rainmeter.net/
  • After installation you can access the settings by right-clicking the visualizer or song information and then clicking on Open Settings.
  • Due to limitations of Rainmeter/the plugin used for the visualization the complete audio output of your system will be shown on the visualizer. For the best experience only play music. This is something I can’t fix.

Getting started

Automatic installation

1. Download the latest skin here: https://github.com/MarcoPixel/Monstercat-Visualizer/releases

2. Install the skin by double-clicking the .rmskin file and going through the installer.

3. After finishing the setup Rainmeter will open the settings skin where you can access additional options.

4. You're done! Enjoy your new desktop visualizer!

Manual installation

1. Clone this repo to DocumentsRainmeterSkins.

2. Go to .installerplugins and then move the 32 or 64-bit plugins (depending on your system) to AppDataRoamingRainmeterPlugins.

2a. If you plan to use WebNowPlaying install either the Chrome or Firefox plugins

3. Launch Rainmeter and right-click the tray icon, press Skins and go to Monstercat-Visualizer and open Settingsintrointro.ini.

4. You're done! Enjoy your new desktop visualizer!To access the settings, right-click the visualizer and press Open Settings.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

You can access the frequently asked questions and our troubleshooting guide in our wiki.

Click here to open the wiki.

Issues & feature requests

INFO: Spotify is broken right now, read more about this here: #191: Not pulling cover art, song title, or artist from Spotify

If you still have issues or a bug, please report them here. Be sure to follow the existing template and fill out the necessary information, otherwise it will be closed without notice.

You can also request new features and help them develop by joining the discussion. Just add the request label to your issue and we will have a look!

Click here to get to the open issues.



  • Rainmeter Skin - @marcopixel & @tjhrulz
  • Spotify Plugin - @robertfrydenlund
  • Google Play Music Desktop Player Plugin - @tjhrulz
  • WebNowPlaying Plugin - @tjhrulz
  • Montserrat Font - @JulietaUla
  • Media Controls Icons - Material Icons
  • Additional Icons - Feather Icons
  • Thanks to @undefinist for letting me use his factory code (made everything so much easier and cleaner) πŸ‘
  • Thanks to @alatsombath for letting me use his rotation and audio device picker code πŸ‘
  • For bringing awesome music and artists to the community - Monstercat <3

Monstercat Visualizer

Disclaimer: The resources used in this skin are in no way endorsed by the respective owners. This skin is not affiliated with Monstercat and the artists.