You can add or select janitorial to your program and regional business development. Types of Programs Whether you want to do Vending Machines, Commercial Coffee, Janitorial, Water, or a combination. You can do all of it here. The Price is the same. Feb 07, 2018 A vending machine has a restricted input. It shouldn't take a user's money unless the user enters a valid address. Most vending machines I've used take a letter that designates the row, followed by a number that designates the column i.e. Upper left hand corner would typically be A0. The item to the right of that might be A1 or A2 etc.

Dev C%2b%2b Vending Machine Programmer


Vending Machine Business

Write a program that simulates a soft drink machine. The program should use a structure that stores the following information:
Drink name
Drink cost
Number of drinks in machine
The program should create an array of five structures. The elements should be initialized with the following data:
Drink Name Cost Number in Machine
Coke .75 20
A_and_W .75 20
Sprite .75 20
Shasta .80 20
MinuteMaid .80 20
Each time the program runs, it should enter a loop that does the following:
Display a list of drinks on the screen
Allow the user to either quit or pick a drink
If the user picks a drink, he or shill will then enter the amount of money to be inserted into the machine
The program should then display the amount of change that would be returned and update the number of drinks still in machine. If the user has not entered enough money, the program should display how much more should be entered to complete the sale.
If the user selects a drink that has been sold it, a message should be displayed
This loop should continue until the user says Quit. When the user quits, it should display the total amount of money earned by that machine (based on how many drinks were bought).
The program should not accept money amounts less than 0 or greater than $1.00
this is what i have so far....
struc Machine
string Drink_name;
int cost;
int Num_of_drinks;
struct Machine Drink[4];
drink[0]= {'coke', .75, 20};
drink[1]= {'A and W', .75, 20};
drink[2]={'sprite', .75, 20};
drink[3] ={'shasta', .80, 20};
drink[4]= {'minute maid', .80, 20};
QUESTION: i dont know if am initializing the variables correctly. so if someone could please provide some insight on this. thanks.